New World Treasures
Spanish Colonial Coins and Artifacts


Certificates of Authenticity

New World Treasures guarantees all their merchandise to be genuine and authentic.  Certificates of authenticity will accompany all coins and all coin jewelry purchases.

There are two basic types of certificates.  The first type, referred to as an Original Certificate of Authenticity, is supplied with most shipwreck coins and is issued by the Company who handled the coins' salvage, conservation, or distribution effort.  The second type, referred to as a New World Treasures Certificate of Authenticity, is supplied with all coins and coin jewelry is issued by us.

Original Certificate of Authenticity


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Photo Certificate



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Non-Photo Certificate

This type of certificate accompanies most shipwreck coins and is issued by the original company who handled the coins' salvage, conservation, or distribution effort.  There are two variations, one includes a photo image of the coin, the other does not.  In most cases, a photo certificate is supplied with Atocha and Santa Margarita shipwreck treasures coins while the non-photo type, in its many design variations, is the norm for most of the others.  In cases where the Original Certificate is not available, a New World Treasures Certificate will be provided.  New World Treasures will supply their Photo Certificate of Authenticity in addition to the Original Certificate of Authenticity on request.

New World Treasures Certificate of Authenticity


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Spanish Coin and Coin Jewelry



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Ancient and Religious Coin Jewelry

This type of certificate accompanies all coin and coin jewelry purchases and is issued by New World Treasures as their guarantee to the coins authenticity.  Both variations, as shown above, include a photo image of the coin.  This type of certificate will also accompany a shipwreck coin that was never issued an original Certificate of Authenticity.

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